End-User Programming of Ambient Narratives


Mark van Doorn

3.90 🚗+4.90


★ Proefschriftenreeks TU Eindhoven

End-User Programming of Ambient Narratives for Smart Retail Environments

●     Ambient intelligence
●     User interfaces
●     Shops
●     Interactieve media

TThis paper presents the concept of ambient narratives to represent dynamic open ambient intelligence environments and an end-user software engineering approach that supports retail designers to create, simulate, deploy and maintain interactive immersive retail spaces in this model.

We present the user-centered design approach that led to this implementation and the user evaluation of the end-user authoring environment for an intelligent shop window installation with a group of retail designers, consultants and retailers.


Ambient Intelligence is a vision on the future of consumer electronics, telecommunications and computing in which devices move into the background while at the same time placing the user experience in the foreground. Producing Ambient Intelligent environments on a large scale is problematic however.

First, it is technologically not possible in the foreseeable future to mass produce a product or service that generates Ambient Intelligence, given the current state-of-the-art in machine learning and artificial intelligence. Second, it is economically not feasible to manually design and produce Ambient Intelligence applications for each person individually.

One of the main research questions in creating such environments is the design of a system capable of supporting mass customization of ambient experiences by means of end-user programming. A brief outline of the approach taken to address this question is described including future research.

Staat: Nieuw
Auteur: Mark van Doorn
Uitgever: Technische Universiteit Eindhoven [2007]
ISBN: 9789038615271 / 9038615271

Verzendkosten: €4,90 Brievenbuspost
★ zelf ophalen in Amsterdam: gratis

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Artikelnummer: 00218 Categorieën: , , , , , Tag: ISBN: 9789038615271



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