Evaluating Training Programs – The Four Levels [Third Edition]
Donald & James Kirkpatrick
€35.00 🚗+4.90
An updated edition of the bestselling classic
Evaluating Training Programs provided the first comprehensive guide to Kirkpatrick’s Four Level Model, along with detailed case studies of how the model is being used successfully in a wide range of programs and institutions.
This new edition includes revisions and updates of the existing material plus new case studies that show the four-level model in action. Going beyond just using simple reaction questionnaires to rate training programs, Kirkpatrick’s model focuses on four areas for a more comprehensive approach to evaluation:
● Evaluating Reaction
● Evaluating Learning
● Evaluating Behavior
● Evaluating Results
Evaluating Training Programs is a how-to book, designed for practitioners in the training field who plan, implement, and evaluate training programs. The author supplements principles and guidelines with numerous sample survey forms for each step of the process. For those who have planned and conducted many programs, as well as those who are new to the training and development field, this book is a handy reference guide that provides a practical and proven model for increasing training effectiveness through evaluation.
In the 3rd edition of this classic bestseller, Kirkpatrick offers new forms and procedures for evaluating at all levels and several additional chapters about using balanced scorecards and “Managing Change Effectively.” He also includes twelve new case studies from organizations that have been evaluated using one or more of the four levels — Caterpillar, Defense Acquisition University, Microsoft, IBM, Toyota, Nextel, The Regence Group, Denison University, and Pollack Learning Alliance.
In 1959 Donald Kirkpatrick developed a four-level model for evaluating training programs. Since then, the “Kirkpatrick Model” has become the most widely used approach to training evaluation in the corporate, government, and academic worlds.
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