Farmer in the Sky [SciFi]


Robert A. Heinlein

7.50 🚗+4.50



FFarmer In The Sky is een Amerikaanse sciencefictionroman uit oorspronkelijk 1950 over een tienerjongen die met zijn gezin naar de maan Ganymedes van Jupiter emigreert. Engelstalige pocket.

‘Bill knew his destiny lay in the stars, but how was he to get there?
George Lerner was shipping out for Ganymede to join the fledgling colony, and Bill wanted to go along. But his father would not hear of it — far too dangerous a mission!

Bill finally talked his way aboard the colony ship Mayflower — and discovered his father was right!’

A very entertaining book, good read. You can learn something about rockets, celestial mechanics & ecology as Bill, a young Eagle Scout, immigrates to Ganymede to start a new life as a farmer.

The unbridled optimism and can-do attitude of Farmer in the Sky makes me smile. Even though the main characters are fleeing an overcrowded Earth, the sense of possibility that Heinlein had about humanity’s future was a wonderful thing.

Bill is pretty cool, but far from perfect. He has a copter license & is a troop leader, but he makes a complete ass out of himself over his father’s marriage. Understandable and part of the charm. He has some typical adolescent struggles, but is a darn good kid. His descriptions of how the ship got to Ganymede and the night sky were wonderful & perfectly in character.

Robert A. Heinlein
Ballantine Books, New York [1990]
0345324382 / 9780345324382
SciFi, SF, Science Fiction, Nineties, Engels, =RETRO=

Verzendkosten: €4,50 Brievenbuspost
★ zelf ophalen in Amsterdam: gratis

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