History of the Theatre


Oscar G. Brockett

19.90 🚗+4.90


★ Classic. Hardcover, 720 pages

TThe Ninth Edition retains all of the traditional features that have made History of the Theatre a classic for over thirty years, including over 530 photos and illustrations, useful maps, and the expertise of Oscar Brockett, one of the most widely respected theatre historians in the field.

Franklin J. Hildy contributes his scholarship and experience throughout the book and, in particular, to a discussion of English Theatre/Shakespeare (Ch. 5).

The most thorough and accurate assessment of theatre history available. For anyone involved with, or interested in, the theatre.

Must have for a dramaturgy student. Doesn’t matter if you want to be writer, movie or theatre director, you would get a great inspiration from this book.

Ninth Edition [2003]

Zo goed als nieuw
Oscar G. Brockett

Verzendkosten: €4,90 Ophaalpunt DPD
★ zelf ophalen in Amsterdam: gratis

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