Lions’ Commentary on UNIX
John Lions
€49.90 🚗+4.90
“The Lions book”, cherished by UNIX hackers and widely circulated as a photocopied bootleg document since the late 1970’s, is again available in an unrestricted edition.
This legendary underground classic, reproduced without modification, is really two works in one: the complete source code to an early version (Edition 6) of the UNIX operating system, a treasure in itself! a brilliant commentary on that code by John Lionswith additional historical perspective essays added in 1996.
Lions’ marriage of source code with commentary was originally used as an operating systems textbook, a purpose for which it remains superbly well-suited (as evidenced by it’s ongoing use at MIT).
“After 20 years, this is still the best expostion of the workings of a ‘real’ operating system.” — Ken Thompson (Developer of the UNIX operating system)
After years of suppression (as trade secrets) by various owners of the UNIX code, this tome has been re-released, and we owe a debt to all involved in making this happen. I consider this to be the single most important book of 1996. — Unix Review, June 1997
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Resultaat 1–9 van de 29 resultaten wordt getoondGesorteerd op nieuwste
Digital Delirium
Arthur & Marilouise Kroker
€25.00 🚗+4.90 in winkelmand -
Flawless Consulting
Peter Block
€14.90 🚗+4.90 in winkelmand -
Geheimtaal en Decodering – Wiskundigen, Spionnen en Hackers
Joan Gómez
€15.00 🚗+4.90 in winkelmand -
Elementaire Statistiek – Cijfers in Lijnen [1969]
Van der Meer & Mandema
€49.90 🚗+4.90 in winkelmand -
Brieven & Contracten
mr. Wim van Amelsfoort
€7.50 🚗+4.90 in winkelmand -
CSS Pocket Reference
Eric A. Meyer
€3.90 🚗+4.90 in winkelmand -
Zoeken naar Oplossingen – Methodologie
Paul Delnooz & Vincent Platenkamp
€29.90 🚗+4.90 in winkelmand -
Het 1,2,3 van de Economie [1969]
R. Schöndorff
€50.00 🚗+4.90 in winkelmand
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Resultaat 1–9 van de 29 resultaten wordt getoondGesorteerd op nieuwste