The Astrology of Relationship


Michael R. Meyer

14.50 🚗+4.90



A Humanistic Approach to the Practice of Synastry – A Doubleday anchor original. First printing. Illustrated. From Librairie des Sciences Occultes in Amsterdam.

OOf all the branches of astrology, it is probably “synastry” – the technique of comparing the birth charts of two or more persons – that most fascinates those who practice astrology today.

This is the first book to deal thoroughly with the basic purpose and techniques of chart comparison in clear, contemporary terms. Going beyond the simplistic popular methods which compare only sun signs, Michael Meyer’s humanistic approach to synastry offers a responsible tool for understanding the mutually constructive aspects of any relationship.

The Astrology of Relationship introduces the concept of “relationship” with a brief overview of its place in traditional astrological practice and its relation to certain Eastern Philosophical concepts.

Explaining the significance of planets, houses and signs in determining personal compatibility, Meyer offers a step-by-step technique for chart comparison, including full instructions for casting and interpreting zodiacal contact, house contact, and composite charts.

To demonstrate the methods described, the book concludes with synastric analyses of three important relationships in history: Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung; George Sand and Frederic Chopin; and founders of the Theosophical Society, Madame Blavatsky and Henry Olcott.

Michael R. Meyer is the author of A Handbook for the Humanistic Astrologer and The Astrology of Change: Horary Astrology and its Humanistic Applications.

Michael R. Meyer
Anchor Books [Eerste Druk 1976]
9780385115568 / 0385115563
Astrologie, Spiritualteit, Spiritueel, Engels, Seventies, =RETRO=

Verzendkosten: €4,90 Brievenbuspost
★ zelf ophalen in Amsterdam: gratis

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