The Chicago Manual of Style [16th Ed.]
University of Chicago Press Staff
€49.90 🚗+4.90
Essential Guide for Writers, Editors and Publishers.
The Chicago Manual of Style is the authoritative, trusted source that writers, editors, and publishers turn to for guidance on style and process. For the sixteenth edition, every aspect of coverage has been reconsidered to reflect how publishing professionals work today. Though processes may change, the Manual continues to offer the clear, well-considered style and usage advice it has for more than a century.
The sixteenth edition offers expanded information on producing electronic publications, including web-based content and e-books. An updated appendix on production and digital technology demystifies the process of electronic workflow and offers a primer on the use of XML markup, and a revised glossary includes a host of terms associated with electronic as well as print publishing. The Chicago system of documentation has been streamlined and adapted for a variety of online and digital sources. Figures and tables are updated throughout the book—including a return to the Manual’s popular hyphenation table and new, comprehensive listings of Unicode numbers for special characters.
With the wisdom of a hundred years of editorial practice and a wealth of industry expertise from both Chicago’s staff and an advisory board of publishing professionals, The Chicago Manual of Style, 16th edition, is an invaluable resource in this rapidly changing world. If you work with words—no matter what the delivery medium—this is the one reference you simply must have.
Er zijn hoofdstukken over: web-publicatie, het voorbereiden van manuscripten, copyrights, spelling en interpunctie, afkortingen, het gebruik van citaten, literatuurlijsten etc. Er staan ook aanwijzingen in voor het gebruik van vreemde talen in het Engels, inclusief de unicodes van verschillende (letter)tekens. En zelfs een hoofdstuk over wiskunde in druk.
Part One: The Publishing Process
1 Books and Journals
2 Manuscript Preparation, Manuscript Editing, and Proofreading
3 Illustrations and Tables
4 Rights, Permissions, and Copyright Administration by William S. Strong
Part Two: Style and Usage
5 Grammar and Usage by Bryan A. Garner
6 Punctuation
7 Spelling, Distinctive Treatment of Words, and Compounds
8 Names and Terms
9 Numbers
10 Abbreviations
11 Foreign Languages
12 Mathematics in Type
13 Quotations and Dialogue
Part Three: Documentation
14 Documentation I: Notes and Bibliography
15 Documentation II: Author-Date References
16 Indexes
Appendix A: Production and Digital Technology
Appendix B: Glossary
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De Revisor № 14 – [2017]
De Bezige Bij
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The Processing and Evaluation of Fluency in Native and Non-Native Speech
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