The Penguin Book of Spanish Verse [1965]
J. M. Cohen
€10.00 🚗+4.50
‘You have dark eyes. Gleams there that promise darkness’. Spanish poetry is astonishing in its richness and variety.
This anthology covers the two great flowerings of Spanish verse: the first, which lasted to the end of the seventeenth century, and second, from the mid-nineteenth century through the Spanish Civil War, to the present.
Cohen’s selection presents each poem with a facing page plain prose translation.
‘No body of lyrical poetry is so seriously under-estimated by British readers as the Spanish’ – J. M. Cohen.
★ zelf ophalen in Amsterdam: gratis
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William Shakespeare
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Verzameld proza
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The Taming of the Shrew
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Nostradamus 1999
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Marguerite Duras
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Ellen Hopkins
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Shakespeare in Love [liefdespoëzie]
William Shakespeare
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Zwischen Gestern und Morgen [1965]
Kurt Tucholsky
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Mijn Ogen zijn Omfloersde Tamboerijnen
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Keur uit Hooft en Huygens – [Eerste Druk 1887]
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Vademecum di Storia dell’Italia Unita
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Gedichten II [Jubilé-uitgave] 1914
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Spiegel van de Moderne Nederlandse Poëzie
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A Personal Anthology [1972]
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Resultaat 1–9 van de 33 resultaten wordt getoondGesorteerd op nieuwste
El Libro de Mormón
Iglesia de Jesucristo
€15.00 🚗+4.90 in winkelmand -
A Personal Anthology [1972]
Jorge Luis Borges
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Hiroshima Mon Amour [Libro Español]
Marguerite Duras
€25.00 🚗+4.90 in winkelmand -
Sappho – Trauerspiel [1937]
Franz Grillparzer
€3.90 🚗+4.90 in winkelmand -
Complete Tales & Poems
Edgar Allan Poe
€3.90 🚗+4.90 in winkelmand -
Keur uit Hooft en Huygens – [Eerste Druk 1887]
P.H. van Moerkerken
€10.00 🚗+4.90 in winkelmand -
A Guide to Chaucer’s Pronunciation [1st Printing 1954]
Helge Kökeritz
€15.00 🚗+4.90 in winkelmand -
Los Tres – Derde Boekje [Underground Stripblad]
Cristina Garcia, Arjen Klinkenberg & Luis Mendo
€20.00 🚗+4.50 in winkelmand -
Trout Fishing in America [3-Book Omnibus]
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Resultaat 1–9 van de 33 resultaten wordt getoondGesorteerd op nieuwste