The Terminal Man


Michael Crichton

3.90 🚗+4.50


★ From the bestselling author of Jurassic Park

HHarry Benson suffers from violent seizures — so violent that he requires a police guard when entering a Los Angeles hospital for treatment. — Dr. Roger MacPherson, head of the prestigious Neuropsychiatric Research Unit, is convinced he can cure Benson through a procedure known as a stage three. During this highly specialized surgery, electrodes, placed deep in Benson’s brain, send monitored soothing pulses to its pleasure canyons.

The operation is a success — until Benson discovers how to get the pulses with increasing frequency. Then he escapes from the hospital and lapses into murderous rampages, becoming a homicidal maniac with a deadly agenda….

Michael Crichton is schrijver van de wereldwijde blockbusters Jurassic Park, The Lost World, Airframe, Disclosure, Timeline, Grave Descend en Zero Cool. Hij schreef ook de tv-serie ER. Van Crichtons boeken zijn dertien films gemaakt en ze zijn in zesendertig talen vertaald.

Michael Crichton
Ballantine Books [1988]
0345354621 / 9780345354624
Misdaad, Crime, Engels, Thriller, =RETRO=, Eighties, Gezondheid, SciFi & Fantasy, Verfilmd

Verzendkosten: €4,50 Brievenbuspost
★ zelf ophalen in Amsterdam: gratis

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