Three Women


Lisa Taddeo

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AAll Lina wanted was to be desired. How did she end up in a marriage with two children and a husband who wouldn’t touch her? All Maggie wanted was to be understood. How did she end up in a relationship with her teacher and then in court, a hated pariah in her small town? All Sloane wanted was to be admired. How did she end up a sexual object of men, including her husband, who liked to watch her have sex with other men and women?

US writer Lisa Taddeo spent eight years and thousands of hours tracking the women whose stories comprise Three Women. The book has been described as putting sex in the mirror.

Taddeo explores our complicated relationship with sex through these three women; teenager Maggie, who brought charges against her high school teacher with whom she had a relationship, Lina whose husband won’t kiss her on the lips, and Sloane who is a swinger.

Three women will have millions nodding in recognition.’

‘As gripping as the most gripping thriller’ – Marian Keyes

‘When I picked it up, I felt I’d been waiting half my life to read it’ – Observer

‘The kind of bold, timely, once-in-a-generation book that every house should have a copy of, and probably will before too long’ – New Statesman

Zo goed als nieuw
Lisa Taddeo
Bloomsbury [2019]
Engels, Romans & Literatuur, Als nieuw

Verzendkosten: €4,90 Ophaalpunt DPD
★ zelf ophalen in Amsterdam: gratis

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Artikelnummer: 20817 Categorieën: , , , , , , Tag: ISBN: 9781526611659



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